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Who tends to cause wrong-way accidents? 

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2025 | Personal Injury |

One of the most dangerous traffic collisions you can be involved in is a wrong-way crash on the interstate. For one thing, it often happens very quickly, so you may have no chance to get out of the way of the wrong-way driver. Additionally, the combined speed of both vehicles can be exceptionally high, often around 150 mph.

But as dangerous as these accidents are, you may find yourself surprised that they happen at all. It should be obvious to almost any driver if they’re heading the wrong way on the interstate, simply because of the way that the road is designed with on-ramps and off-ramps. There are also plenty of wrong-way signs for drivers who make a mistake and take the wrong ramp. So why do these crashes keep happening?

Drunk drivers

If you look into the statistics, you’ll find that there is one group of individuals who tend to cause most of these accidents: impaired drivers. In most cases, the authorities find that the driver who was heading the wrong way was under the influence of alcohol. There could also be cases where they’re under the influence of other substances, such as marijuana, prescription drugs, narcotics and more.

In this sense, there is only so much that the road design itself can do to keep drivers safe. Everything is already set up to prevent wrong-way accidents, which is one reason why the interstate tends to be safer than other roads. But if drivers are under the influence and make avoidable errors, they’re going to continue causing some of the most severe car crashes in the United States.

Seeking compensation

Have you been injured in an accident caused by another negligent driver? If so, take the time to carefully look into all of your legal options.


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