In the estate planning law practice, we often see clients and prospective clients who mean well and intend to get their estate documents in order. Unfortunately, all too often the intentions do not amount to "follow-through" and the price can be significant. This is...
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Month: August 2015
What is a Notice of Administration in Florida Probate?
When a Florida Statutes Section 733.212 sets forth certain timeframes which are triggered by service of the Notice of Administration. For example, any interested person on whom a copy of the Notice is served who challenges the validity of the will or any codicils,...
A Single-Member LLC in Florida Offers Limited Asset Protection from the Member’s Creditors
One benefit of forming an LLC in Florida is that the ownership interest of the LLC members can be protected, at least in part, from the claims of the member's creditors. However, this protection only extends to an LLC which has more than a single member. Understanding...
In Florida, does a Pre-Nuptial Agreement prevent you from inheriting from your spouse?
A Pre-Nuptial Agreement (also sometimes called a Pre-Marital Agreement) is a contract between two prospective spouses setting forth their rights in two main scenarios: 1) if they marry and later divorce; and 2) if one spouse dies while the parties are still married....