Often when married couples have their estate documents prepared, they will provide for each other. A husband’s Last Will and Testament (“Will”) may leave everything to his wife and vice versa. This sort of inheritance seems natural. But what happens if the couple had...
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Month: April 2020
Dying without a will in Florida
Many families may find that making end-of-life plans can be a painful and challenging experience. It is vital, however, to not let grief cloud one’s judgment and skip out on end-of-life responsibilities. The reality is that all adult Floridians should have a will in...
Wrongful death takes many forms, but Florida law is ready
As painful as the death of a loved one is, the thought that someone could have prevented it, had they been more careful or less cruel, can make the loss impossible for the mind or heart to process. It happens more often than many people suspect. A recent close call at...
What are the criteria for contesting a will?
The death of a loved one can bring up difficult emotions. For families reeling from the impact of a loved one’s death, the addition of a family dispute over the estate of the deceased can create family strife and irreparable damage. When you contest a will,...
Post-Divorce Estate Planning
For a married person, going through a divorce changes many aspects of his or her life. Often the person must look for a new place to live. He or she may have to change their bank and other financial accounts. Addresses for bills and other important mailings will need...
After my death, will my stepchildren get anything?
When thinking about the end of your life, what do you want to leave behind? Who do you want to leave it to? A will can help you achieve these things and more after your passing. With a blended family, it’s important that you have documentation if you want to include...
Controlled Distribution Using a Living Trust
In Florida, there are a number of benefits of establishing a Living Trust (also called a Revocable Trust). These include avoiding probate and maintaining privacy. Another important benefit is the ability to control how and when the assets which you own are distributed...
Crossing the line–When a Power of Attorney agent goes too far
A Durable Power of Attorney (“DPOA”) is an essential estate planning document in Florida. Having one allows you to appoint an agent who can act on your behalf on personal, business, and financial matters. This instrument can be especially important for persons who are...
Do you know what to do if you’re a personal representative?
Serving as a personal representative is a huge honor. It means that your loved on trusts you enough to give you power over their last will and testament. At the same time, it’s a huge responsibility that can be very overwhelming. If you are named as someone’s personal...
Protecting the rights of elderly nursing home residents
Every individual deserves a living environment that provides them with safety and a sense of dignity. There is no exception to this rule when it comes to residents of Florida nursing homes. Unfortunately, stories of neglect and abuse are all too common in facilities...