The average American household has thousands of dollars in credit card debt. Many people also have student loan debts and other financial obligations, like debts for medical care. They spend a significant amount of their monthly income paying down those debts. You...
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Month: July 2022
Aging alone may compromise your wishes in a medical emergency
Aging alone is not a new phenomenon but is much more prevalent today than it was several decades ago. More people than ever never get married, and many who do decide not to have children. Other times, someone ends up alone due to the death of a spouse or family...
3 reasons your Florida will could be contested
The process of writing a will is often painstaking. When you decide to create your will (and you should), you do so with the goal of protecting your loved ones’ future while eliminating any uncertainties that may arise regarding your estate. However, there are...
Six Essential Estate Planning Documents You Should Have
In most Florida estate plans, there are six essential documents which you should have in place. These include the following: Last Will and Testament. This document allows you to appoint a Personal Representative to oversee your probate estate and to designate your...