When business owners know that it’s time to pass their company to the next generation, it is important to write up a business succession plan. The stakes of such a transition are too high to simply leave to chance. The next generation needs guidance, which can be...
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Business Formation & Planning
Business formation: pros and cons of organizing as an LLC
Starting a business is an exciting time for anyone. Still, it also comes with responsibilities and decisions that business owners must make. One of the most important decisions that Florida business owners must make is how they will structure their business or what...
Top 3 questions to ask for business succession in Florida
It’s quite a transition to pass your business on to the next generation. It’s very important, both for your family and for the future of the company itself, that you know what steps to take as you do this. Every business owner is in a unique situation, so different...
Will Your Business Die When You Die?
Small business owners face many challenges—especially in this day of COVID-19! But challenges are nothing new for these owners. Whether it is marketing, cash flow, taxes, governmental regulation, or dealing with employees, there are always obstacles and difficulties...